JANE A. HERRON: Professional Speaker and Six-Figure Success Coach
For the last three decades Jane Herron has helped women around the world, master the Language of Leadership™ while growing their businesses and managing their teams.
As a professional trainer, Jane teaches speaking, sales and the psychology of success. As a mindset coach, the biggest challenge Jane experiences, is the number of women who are feeling lost and completely out of focus.
Jane is passionate about leading women (like you) OUT of VAGUENESS.
… out of vagueness … that intangible place you go when you are lacking clarity, confidence and cash flow. You know the old saying: what happens in vagueness ~ stays in vagueness. Some women have remained stuck in vagueness (not Vegas) because playing small and staying stuck is so much easier than becoming skilled at defining your message and making money.
The good news, is that you do not have to remain lost or stuck in vagueness.
Jane informs, educates and motivates you to transform your old mindset and beliefs so that you may take inspired action for your long-term success.
Whether it is eliminating limiting beliefs; setting measurable goals; implementing your business plan; or practicing powerful communication skills. Jane will support you as you move from stumbling blocks to stepping stones.
Jane’s Philosophy of Success ROCKS
Jane teaches you the PRINCIPLES of SUCCESS and then compares them to the HABITS of FAILURE.
Would you agree, your daily habits broadcast (to the world) your level of productivity [or] your level of mediocrity?? Besides feeling lost, out of focus and stuck in VAGUENESS, the next biggest challenge that Jane experiences is the untapped potential of women.
Dr. Maxwell Maltz is quoted in his classic mindset secrets book: Psycho-Cybernetics:
You can never outperform your own SELF IMAGE, but you most certainly can improve it.
In Jane’s Self-Image | Self-Esteem webinars, you will be able to:
Re-imagine yourself (outside of Vagueness, outside of the self image that has been imposed upon you)
> Discover your purpose, passion & plan
> Create a MONEY M.A.P. (know your motivation-action-plan)
> Chart your Course (what got you here won’t always get you there )
> Set Goals~Take Action~Execute your M.A.P. which allows you to feel your passion and purpose once again!
> Check your Perseverance Muscles (Step out of your comfort zone & do your push ups)
> Track your Progress–>review, redirect or self-correct. (we do this weekly-monthly-quarterly)
> Review – Redirect & Self-Correct from where you are NOW to where you want to BE
> Celebrate your Victories
> Rest~Renew~Retreat for a short time before you ADVANCE to your next LEVEL.
(new levels = new devils)
And the devil is always in the details!
Audiences love Jane’s passionate and energetic style of professional speaking; her ability to enthuse her coaching clients; and the balance she provides in blending creative storytelling with concrete case studies.
A little bit about Jane … HER WORK LIFE
Jane cut her teeth in SALES working with four Fortune 500 Companies:
Levi Strauss & Company
General Mills
Butterick Pattern Company
Wrangler’s Womenswear
She was a wholesale manufacturing sales representative positioned in the largest U.S. sales territory in the country.
THE POWER OF ALCHEMY (a personal story from Jane)
I was born and raised in a very small conservative Midwest farming community. After my father’s unforeseen death at age 33, my mother was left with 4 children under the age of 5 … a single working mother who had a family meal on the table every night at 6:00 pm.
HOW often have I asked myself: how did she do that?
She was an excellent manager who knew how to delegate tasks, give positive feedback, and continue to redirect the energy until she got what she wanted. Each of us had a job to do to run this family. There were NO extras and NO exceptions!
Today white women make 79-cents on a man’s dollar and if you have a little color added to your pigment, it is likely that you make 50-cents on that man’s dollar. BUT way back then, my mother, an executive secretary, [she could have been the executive] never had the chance to compete in a man’s world ... meaning … IF I wanted something, I could not go to my mother to get my needs met … no I would have to understand the Power of Alchemy and spin some straw into GOLD.
– those 20 letters and 10 words reminded me, if I wanted something IF IT IS TO BE … IT IS UP TO ME
I became self-responsible to the Principles of Alchemy, the spinning of my own GOLD. I learned the principle of manifesting all of my own needs, wants and desires, and that included paying for my own college degree (if I wanted one).
Life on the farm had taught me by simply planting the right seeds, at the right time, with Mother Natures cooperation, and the cooperation within our family, we would create a harvest that would keep us fed.
By age 18, I had learned how to be a master at the Power of Alchemy, a master at Spinning my own GOLD, also known as manifesting. Are you teaching your daughters the Power of Alchemy? Are you paying for their college degree or are THEY? I started planting seeds of connections with department and committee chair(s) immediately upon arrival at my college, and then, I applied for every scholarship that was posted and many nobody knew about.
All of the professors and department heads knew ME by name!
One day in my senior year, one of the department chairs handed me a bulletin that had been posted from Butterick Pattern Company seeking a “trunk show representative”.
I had gotten used to applying for everything that could help me through college … so I applied for this ‘long shot” job.
The Principles of Success reminded me that people will inspect what they expect. Apparently, I had gone above and beyond what Butterick Pattern Company had expected’. My name was surfacing in the NY office of the General Mills Fashion Marketing Group.
Little did I know, the first executive Vice President of that Fashion Marketing Group took notice, curiously asking:
Who is Jane Herron?
Executive VP Jane Evans called me wanting to know where I came up with my marketing ideas? That single phone conversation led to an invitation for me to come to NYC to attend a national manufacturing show where I would meet my new MANIFESTING MENTOR, Jane Evans, executive vice president of the General Mills Fashion Marketing Group (Vogue, Monet Jewelry, Ship N Shore ready-to-wear).
Now here was the glitch, the invitation did not come with a Golden Ticket: ALL EXPENSES PAID with an airline ticket, a hotel reservation, or a daily per diem. I had to manifest that Golden Ticket + Expense so I could get to NYC to meet this executive vice president who was interested in me.
I was a little farm girl and I was not able to ask my single working mother for a $1000 Golden Ticket, I had to rely upon my own imagination and intuition to get this burning desire met. It was time to spin some straw into GOLD.
Working on the farm, I have always known how to go to my secret place, and how to ASK the Mastermind for advice. The Principles of Success have taught me to LISTEN and then to OBEY the Mastermind. Ask and you will Receive.
The Mastermind (that little small voice within) told me my Golden Ticket was waiting for me on Campus,
I was intuitively guided to go directly to my Department Head to see if there was any unused scholarship money that I might apply for. My Department Head was so thrilled that one of her students had captured the attention of a Fortune 500 Company that she spun some spiritual straw into GOLD for me!
She literally transformed some old LEAD into pure GOLD as she found the funds in her department to
“Gift Me” $1000 [my GOLDEN TICKET] for my trip to NYC.
Simple yet priceless lesson? Seek–Ask–Obey
Acting within my understanding of the Principles of Success, things got even better when Jane Evans, VP of General Mill’s Fashion Marketing Group promised to introduced me to her BIG BOSS. My spiritual resourcefulness was working!! She did in fact introduce me, and it just so happened that his beloved daughter was preparing to leave his home to attend college in Boulder, CO.
I was minutes away, he felt like he had just met a “Lighthouse for Good” for himself and his daughter, and I was hired on the spot as the first female in the nation to run a territory, mine was the Rocky Mountain Territory and Denver/Boulder was in that territory.
TWO simple yet priceless lessons that I learned at age 22
- the hardest crowd to grow out of is the one at the bottom
- nothing great ever happens to anyone hanging onto their comfort zone
And NOW the last 3-years have been very different for me!
I got a new GOLDEN TICKET on Thanksgiving Day 2021 when my identical twin sister was found on the floor of her Miami apartment after laying there with no welfare check for 4-6 days. It has taken everything I’ve got to save her life, move her out of Florida to be with me in Utah.
She is currently in HOSPICE, living as a quadriplegic with aphasia in a hospital bed, in my living room.
I can honestly say this is the hardest JOB I have ever taken on, but it is absolutely the most meaningful and rewarding JOB I will ever be asked to perform in my lifetime.
WE believe in miracles, do you?
IF you do, please send Jean + Jane a Golden Ticket and keep US in your prayers!
And if you would like to HELP JANE save her twin sister Jeanie, please – please make a small donation:
Thank you so much for your Love + Light.